Double Hung Windows
A very common window type consisting of two sashes that opens from both the bottom and the top. Double hung windows work great for any room.
What is a Double Hung Window?
Double hung windows are an extremely common window type, as they can fit in almost any home. They are affordable and very flexible in size and styles. The window consists of two panes or “sashes” that slide over one another to allow the window to open from the top or the bottom. A latch keeps the sashed locked from the inside.
Overall, the energy efficiency performance of double hung windows is not as good as other types of windows. This is because of how the window opens and closes, it does not create as tight of a seal as other window types, especially when frequently opened or closed. Because of this, it is important to monitor and maintain the seals on double hung window installation regularly. Energy efficiency is one of the primary reasons to consider new windows in your home, so it is important to consider your options carefully if you choose new double hung windows.
They provide a fairly clear and open view of the outside, albeit with the frame of the sashes running through the middle of the window. If the window is open, the view will be even more obstructed. Double hung windows are generally perfect for hallways or small rooms like extra bedrooms. You can easily place furniture or other objects under the windows without obstructing the window view, air flow, or opening device. They are not generally used in rooms that require large, open views like living rooms or dining rooms.
Contact Ann Arbor Windows & Doors – A Pure Energy Company today to get started on your new double hung window installation, or if you have questions about your home window replacement!