New Patio Doors Ann Arbor

French Patio Doors

French doors provide an upscale look without the upscale price. These doors are perfect for combining aesthetic and efficiency in a single door installation.

Why chose a French Door?

French doors are perfect for the home that is looking to maintain a more classic appearance. But don’t let this fool you, there are plenty of French doors that are both classic and modern in their style and appearance, making them very attractive for homes where aesthetic is important.

French doors come in various styles and colors, making it extremely easy to match the look and feel of the door with the look and feel of your home. French doors provide a lot of light into the home. However, you do give up a bit of the open view that a sliding glass door might provide for the specific look of a French door.

The word “french” refers to the style of the door, basically swinging from a hinge on one side as opposed to a sliding glass patio door that slides on a track. Double French doors are fairly common, allowing you to open just one or both doors to customize air flow and ease of foot traffic.

Contact Ann Arbor Windows & Doors – A Pure Energy Company today if you have questions about a French door installation or replacement in your home.

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