Leslie Science and Nature Center

Leslie Science and Nature Center

The Leslie Science and Nature Center in Ann Arbor is the perfect place for both schools and families where the entire aim is to educate people on the nature that surrounds them. Formed as a means to teach children about the various natural resources that is in the area, the center is a legacy to the Leslie family with it going from strength to strength since its incorporation in the 1980’s. With the site continually expanding and developing the various programs that they have to offer, this is one science and nature center that could never be described as being boring.

Leslie Science and Nature Center

The Enclosures and Education

With various enclosures to explore during your visit, you will be given the opportunity to learn more about birds of prey, various critters, as well as the DTE Energy House. There, you will encounter displays dedicated to recycling, better energy options and how to basically live on earth while leaving behind a smaller carbon footprint. Their main focus is on showing you that even the smallest of changes can result in a huge impact and change the world around you.

Furthermore, they are also home to animals that can no longer be released back into the wild due to various reasons. This provides an additional way to learn more about various mammals and reptiles and all in a safe and friendly environment.

Visiting and Camps

The Leslie Science and Nature Center caters for children of all ages from pre-school through to camps that allow older children to really experience everything that the center has to offer them. The camps are available during the various school holidays offering children a wonderful opportunity to interact with one another while also being able to explore the vast woodland and natural surroundings that form the core of the center.

Located in Ann Arbor, there is no better place to learn more about the world surrounding you than what is on offer at the Leslie Science and Nature Center. With staff that are excited about what they do and helping to teach others all of their knowledge, and with ample space and opportunity to explore the surrounding area, this center is a wonderful way to get your child back in the natural world in a completely safe manner.

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